Browser version is available! 🔴

The game is now available in the browser!

Try the version here:


You must be a supporter to play this version fully in the browser. 

If you are not a supporter you can try it in the browser up to a certain spot or download a delayed version on itch io.

You can read the reason why below.

This update also contains a new story and other features while I’m only partly up to my usual monthly deadline. I’m putting this version beforehand so people can test the web version.

There is also a new benefit! Which will be moved later to tier 2.

Meanwhile, another version and a bit more spicy event should arrive close to my usual monthly deadline (about 1-2 weeks)!

Web was one of the features that was requested the most throughout the development.

A web version is a revelation for this genre. Why?

Games in this genre aka sandbox visual novels with many renders are rare. 

Most of them are made in renpy. While you can put a game like that on a web browser, it comes with its limitations.

ITCH io allows a 500MB total size limit. (GOSA with 2500~ renders is far beyond this limit size)

WebGL game memory usage limit is 2GB.

Games that are made by default include everything in the build.

Game developers don’t seem to have too many choices because of this.

One way is to reduce the amount of renders to fit within the required hosting size and total memory size.

This means that 99% percent of games that you can play in the browser will be in the style of static character images with few expressions and maybe a few backgrounds only. That’s the usual classic and most popular type of visual novel.

The other way is to sacrifice web gl in general. 

GOSA is not that kind of game and it’s moving past the player-known limit of this genre!

I want to focus on delivering a game that’s tight in a story with many interacting events and a render quantity amount. The same goes for feature quality, QOL, and development style. At the end making the game something that I can be proud of. Thankfully a lot of you have been good to me with the support so the game is coming along nicely! ❤️

How are you doing this?

I’m using custom code and hosting for the renders itself.

This unusual solution, allows me to put a web gl build that is way smaller since the renders are being pulled on demand!

It also omits the total memory because only the needed renders are kept in memory!

Why is web gl a trial version?

It’s currently available for supporters because I pay for hosting. I cannot estimate the total cost without trying it out.

This is why you can only play in the browser for free up to certain spots in the story.

Web-version FAQ:

  • I cannot access the game page at all

It may be temporarily turned off. You can ask the developer for info on Discord.

  • My game doesn’t launch

Try chrome or firefox. Another browser may not fully support WebGL technology.

  • My game still doesn’t launch

Please describe the problem to the developer on Discord.

  • Can I export my save from webGL? 

Yes. Shift-click the save to download it.

  • Can I export my save from webGL after the trial? 

Yes. Through the end screen button with web gl trial information during the story or through the usual save load menu from the main menu. However for now it's recommended that you start over and use skip after inputting the patreon code as two scenes are skipped before that.

  • Can I import my save to webGL?

Yes. In Webgl it’s locked for supporters only for experimental reasons. 

  • I see ‘Click to continue’ with a black background on startup.

Refresh page.

  • Why do I sometimes see black backgrounds when continuing?

This can occur due to a few issues:

  • You rate limited because you move through very fast. (this should rarely occur)
  • Your hard limited, this limit is high and temporary
  • You lost your network connection.
  • You’re using the skip button, where renders get skipped. ( It returns to normal on the next background fetched)

The newest version is available for supporters! 🔴

Click to get it!

Meanwhile the latest patreon version for supporters is 64!


  • Progression tracker! Find out any next story you need to do by going through a very rare to this genre story tracker tree!
  • Story continuation:

    Ask Cylia what happened to the slime!

  • Fix undo bug marking and keeping story completed when immediately returning after entering a new event.
  • Fix for when the rain appears only after the first background.
  • Fix for when Cylia’s place was out of returning scope.


Several smaller events open up a few locations!

  • Story continuation:
    • Sori’s place is now open as a continuation of the last hentai Beth event. Spend a sweet time with her. Visit the rented room again.
    • Cylia’s place is now open with an event with her! Ask Dalia about her location.
    • Continuing progression towards the guild building and opening a space for that! Ask Dalia about the guild building to unlock a new location with an intro event!
    • The farm you pass on the way to the town is also open now with an intro event!
  • New environments for the cliff, farm, and ruins come with animations for both night and day.
  • Thanks to @Rishar and @Kurche for several reports related to QoL and fixes.
  • Thanks to @Rishar @Ryleona for proofreading!
  • Fixed a bug where sleeping did not advance the time when an incorrect date format was provided. Thanks @Rishar.
  • 63.2 Hotfix for one corrupted background on Android.
  • 63.3 Hotfix for 2 incorrect dialogue lines.
  • 63.4 Hotfix if your Cliff location wasn't unlocked after talking with Dalia, you can sleep to unlock it.

Thank you for your continuous support! ❤️


This update marks a milestone that I was waiting to do.

This update has a story with both: a new interactive LIVE-2D h-scene, another event with h-animations, and a task event with Kanae!

Next, I want to focus on more stories for the next update to connect existing features.

I’m planning to soon remove the ability to obtain the ‘early’ role. I already have a few ideas in mind to reward patrons (those with this role) who supported me, especially during very early builds of the game.

Thank you for your continuous support.

Story continuation:

  • Visit the Bath. Emilly and Mara to join you for a spicy scene!
  • Beth wants to show you her precious toy, visit the tavern after the bath!
  • Task board
    • Visit Dalia and ask for a town tour for a new event!
    • There is a task (story event) that grants you relations with Kanae!
  • Relations! All previous story was injected with those events. Added generous catchup for already existing saves. The UI was also improved to make space for the new components!
  • Achievements system, Statistics system, Knowledge system
  • You can now disable undo completely, to make it easier on the device.
  • Gallery scenes were added
  • The wine is now used and gives drunk buff! That’s not all system handling all other different uses were also implemented for scalability
  • Navigation for UI’s to make it easier to switch them.
  • Buffs are now persistent and hook to the player movement timer (not irl)! Which don’t rely on fake story timer hooks.
  • EQ now serializes, statistics save, achievements save, and buffs save. Everything saves!
  • Context menu api. It’s now possible to equip by clicking or using the items. You can now drink the drinks. This creates a buff hooked up to the player's time which moves when sleeping etc.
  • Dialogue is no longer colored by character. Instead, there is a colored character at the beginning of the sentence. This helps visibility when it’s hard to read because the background color overlaps the text color.
  • MC was added to the relations screen. This is where you can see the persistent buffs.
  • UI Fix Loading a game save with a previously opened quest description doesn’t show previous details.
  • Other smaller things like notifications bound to the buffs, tooltips, etc, Thanks to greenarrow25 for multiple reports and several other anonymous reports that allowed me to fix them.


This update brings a gameplay framework into the game and a new story event in two new locations!

  • Continuation of the story

Help a tavern maiden with her chores as she joins you later in the bath!

New hentai animations! They are also added to the gallery. 

To access the events:

Access the bath door to get a short event.

Ask Dalia about religion.

The accommodation event is finished.

The cure for Emilly is finished.

After the tavern event, don't forget that there is another one at the bath!



There is an experimental hentai feature that you can try where you interactively can play around with one of the LI titties.

It adds Live2d animation support on top of the video animation.

Adding this feature that fast after the last update, was only possible thanks to making my custom-created code over the development process.

I’ve created a discord poll if you wish to submit feedback.

How to:

You have to update to 61.5

In the main menu. Open the console with f2 or settings.

Type in the console: LetMeTouchYou

You should transition to the testing scene!


  • The bath location was added!
  • The tavern location was added!
  • Combat was added. This is the early version of the combat! While the combat is still basic it brings a good scalable groundwork. The idea for the combat is to be very active. You will be able to bring your allies, modify equipment, use different skills or items, and react to combat events, The combat background is custom painted by me and with the use of the latest URP 2d lighting tech. It’s made in a way that both objects will be able to be expanded just as locations. Feel free to submit feedback as it’s important to know how it can be enhanced in ways I don’t have planned.

The entire combat is custom coded, if you want to know the details feel free to ping me on Discord.

For interested damage calculation will be posted on the discord development notes channel!

There are also a few pools that are which will be posted on the discord channel.

  • Equipment was added. It doesn’t save yet although it doesn’t matter much right now since the items are assignable and don’t disappear from inventory on being equipped.
  • Implementing drag-and-drop support, meaning you have to drag the items to equip them.
  • Snowy season changes are no longer available.
  • Adding Mara’s knife into inventory during the past event. And appropriate catchup for already existing saves. It’s possible to equip it now.
  • Adding new tooltips to support equipment.
  • Fixed a resolution bug causing graphics api problems on a few Android devices. The game now allows resolution resizing on Android and auto-blit type. Thanks @Jack
  • Fixes several translation keys set in the wrong places. Thanks @snowys
  • Spanish translation and proofreading. Thanks @snowys
  • Fix for gray screenshots of some screen resolutions.
  • Fix for a few lines speaker misaligned. Thanks @snowys
  • Scenes were renamed, scene transition api was modified, and additional was added to support story outcomes after combat.
  • Refreshing design of several UI panels and controls.
  • You now receive Mara’s kitchen knife during the Cure for Emilly preparation. There is also a catchup created near the bath house for that in case your save already played this story.
  • Light additions and flickering lights for the dungeon.
  • There are a lot of internal api changes. Can now open inventory from the story to guide players toward the equipment.
  • 61.1 Prevent Windows media foundation wrong video api end loop callback by not triggering end callback within several first frames of starting the video. This removes the video being incorrectly skipped at moments of looping two animations.
  • 61.1 Transcoding new animations to VP8
  • 61.4 Fixing reported fishing bug lock. Thank you for report @anonymous
  • 61.4 Bug reporter window white UI fix. Thanks @greenarrow25


This is a huge story update and with this, the game has now passed 2k renders in total! ✨

This update has 25k words, hentai animations (with visual pregnancy support), an optional punishment route in the hut for people supporting the game (temporarily put for tier 1), and quite a bit of choice, so keep in mind that you can always play the story twice to see some other outcomes.

Event requirement:

  • Were sightseeing with Dalia
  • Talked with both Dalia and Kanae about the reason for MC’s jail time.
  • Completed Cure for Emilly.
  • Talked with Emilly about why she was selling trash.
  • During daytime.

The event starts automatically when moving through the town.

Other things:

  • Fix for stuck at the end of Manako in the rain event.
  • Fix the black background at the start of Dalia asking for release.
  • There is a new text animation for freezing characters and screaming.
  • Brings a few new background animations for better storytelling ie. side shaking and you will see a ‘run’ ^^.
  • New music.
  • Fixes for looping tracks.
  • Fixes black save screenshot that occurred in 0.59, due to incompatibility with urp hdr.
  • Some additional information mechanics will be written in developer notes.


  • Story continuation: Ask Dalia, and Kanae about the reason for your release. Review the potion with Mara. Adding 3 events in the meantime while I’m in the middle of making really big story event!
  • If you experienced animation stuck on Kanae handjob h-scene. The animations were re-exported which should remove this problem for those devices. There is also a different camera for the bonus content. Thanks to everyone who reported the problem, especially @kkkitsune who relentlessly tested the dev builds for me ❤️
  • Thanks for proofreading @Ryleona
  • Fixes accommodation time availability to day only.
  • Internal changes to undo, targetting rare occurrences where the line gets ahead of undo capture.
  • Fixed blue animations that happened on a few Android devices. The problem was with devices selecting the wrong gpu api not correctly supported by the device. Thank you @manicdiety @nick17#8344 @ndietrick @zacargazesh @kkkitsune @krilzard
  • Undo save is now faster as it doesn’t wait for the current background to show.
  • Undo now awaits any save finish to prevent undo cancelation stacking.
  • Undo now has a marker to show that the game is taking the undo with a hover tooltip.
  • Manako slaps after a rain event now only after you ask her for a spicy time before.
  • Internal background timeout cancels itself to prevent any hard locking background in case there would be an error with its preparation. This is part of a rare bug where the device didn’t support a background and it blocked the entire queue.


  • Story continuation:

    It adds alternative choice for inviting Kanae to snow save fishing without demanding anything from her.

    Dalia takes you sightseeing!

  • Temporary! During winter time the default sunny weather will be snowing! ❄️ It will be turned off in ALL versions past the winter time.
  • Adding missing XToys integration to last Kanae story.
  • XToys integration now requires only patreon authentication.
  • Intensity during ‘Kanae don’t dive’ event is dynamically calculated based on how much time has passed underwater.
  • Angry text animator effect.
  • Added quest entry for the truth of the world.
  • Improving internally map api.
  • Fix returning from snow globe for the first time now cleans the scale of BG to normal. Previously prevented direct travel without use of map.
  • Serializing weather
  • Improving windows device support for several videos
  • Clickable background improving support for weather.
  • Internal error fix for rain creating an error on first frame.
  • Text helper text for fishing has been outlined.
  • Improving fishing slider UI.
  • Now you can cancel fishing during waiting for the hook stage. This removes the confusion when user held button on this stage and it carried over to the next stage.
  • Time fix when the internal clock was not setting the final time on pass time end, Therefore the passing time to hour didn’t trigger because the time hour was same as previous. I.e. loop to 16, but last ticking time ended at 15:59. Therefore passing time to 15 would not trigger since it is already 15.
  • Time UI fix when sleeping. It no longer starts from start near the end of animation.
  • Time cycle shows when crossing the day cycle.
  • Adding automatic saving when entering rented room as backup option since to ensure that you won’t get fucked when an unknown bug will occur. In general taking saves when roaming is more stable.
  • Adding a check and player information in case the folder is in path with wrong symbols like Hidden symbol. Which is a bug in unity’s addressables package and I unfortunately cannot fix it! Just extract it another location i.e. Desktop or D;/GOSA. This error appeared as main menu with static background and where you cannot start new game. Thanks @itssangdude @kuruizaq and few other people having problem with this.
  • Adding message directly button for reporter.
  • Fixing locale selection bug which may have been reason for rare crashes on exit.
  • Changed default typewriter animation appearance, which doesn’t scale the letters, but fades them. Remember you can turn off text animation in settings. The animation is also a bit faster.

0.50 HALLOWEEN 🎃Update has arrived!


Halloween is scheduled, longer and more complex optional story event which is gonna be moved later to tier 2!

This update took over a month to make. For the people who support my work during this last month. Thank you for allowing me to continue making this game ❤️

  • Huge continuation to story for halloween!

    To start Halloween ask Dalia about it after the fishing story. It is marked with 🎃 pumpkin icon. 

    Halloween event ignores jumpscare and bloody preference setting.

  • Over 12 spicy animations!

Thank you for supporting my patreon as it allows me to continue making this game.

Also currently comes with bonus hentai game!

Get Guild of spicy adventures

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